Colombo Twin Master Harvester
With the exclusive COLOMBO rotary design on the TWIN MASTER combine, your peanut crop receives special treatment from beginning to end. COLOMBO has over 30 years of experience building peanut combines with axial flow technology. As you can see there are many advantages over conventional spring teeth combines.
With the exclusive COLOMBO rotary design on the TWIN MASTER combine, your peanut crop receives special treatment from beginning to end. COLOMBO has over 30 years of experience building peanut combines with axial flow technology. As you can see there are many advantages over conventional spring teeth combines.
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Other Features
- Ultra strong notched and welded steel construction.
- Over running driveline clutch reduces wear on drives and the tractor.
- Large high floatation tractor style tyres.
- Simple servicing and easy accessibility.
- Large basket storage capacity.
Threshing and separation:
Rotary threshing is proven to be the best method of crop harvesting. Rotary combines are not as aggressive as conventional cylinder machines. The COLOMBO system uses the rotor’s centrifugal force to pull the peanuts out of the vines and onto the shaker pan rather than the shredding action of combines with spring teeth. Some advantages include:
- Reduced damage to the peanuts.
- Better separation of peanuts from vine particulary in more moist conditions and when the stem remains on the peanut.
- More hours of picking during critical times-start picking early and stay late.
In the exclusive COLOMBO cleaning system the peanuts are never blown or floated by air. Instead a high volume vacuum fan gently lifts the trash from the top of the heavier peanuts as they reach the rear of the shaker pan. This creates several unique advantages:
- Peanuts with the stems still attached cannot “S Hook” and ride out with the hay.
- Sand, small rocks and heavier trash can easily sift out the bottom grates in the shaker pan.
- There is no belly fan or air ducts underneath the combine.
Pickup Head:
The low profile pickup head and dual feed auger ensure a smooth flow into the rotor. The head is driven by hydraulic variable speed with reverse. The pickup fingers are made of long-life AR 360 plate steel. The top roller gently turns with the fingers to ease heavy vines into the auger and prevent lick-outs and rolling.
Transport and storage:
The peanuts are gently transported up to the basket in the exclusive COLOMBO style elevator that uses cups to scoop up the peanuts, take them to the top and then drop them in the bin. A hydraulic auger then levels the peanuts in t basket increasing the storage capacity.
COLOMBO’s bucket elevator system eliminates many areas where LSK’s are increased in conventional combines that use elevator fans and air ducts to deliver the peanuts to basket.